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All At Once: Friendship/Love/Empathy Project

The goal of the project: To create an interactive photoshoot experience that celebrates the importance of the impact of healthy forms of loving relationships.

Project Description: (Title Friendship/Love/EmpathyProject) is a collaboration of sound, pictures, and wearable art projects. With the Spark Leadership grant award from CAAL (Coalition for Asian American Leaders), the artists were able to spend 5-months learning about the meaning and process of one another's art form and how their intersectionalities and systemic structures impact their art-making process. Through relationship building and mentorship, the artists wanted to create a sensory art experience for the community.

(Title? Friendship/Love/Empathy Project) is a photography exhibition/ and friendship celebration of couples expressing their friendship, love, and empathy for one another. The artists invited three couples to have a photo shoot were they had the opportunity to capture images of their relationship by wearing Obsidian Pause Jewelry and moving to the music designed by May_midaaa.

Artist Collaboration: An Artist collaboration from sound composer Maya_Midaaa, Video photographer Skye Lee, and multi-media wearable art designer Azania Tripp, together, created an exhibition by reflecting on the film 'Everything Is Everywhere All At once, and the exploration of empathetic relationships.

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